
Error Handling

Table of contents

  1. Kind of handlers
  2. Change behavior of handler

Kind of handlers

JWT.handler has these handlers:

Name Exception to handle
no_authorization NoAuthorizationError
expired_signature ExpiredSignatureError
invalid_header InvalidHeaderError
invalid_token InvalidTokenError
jwt_decode_error JWTDecodeError
wrong_token WrongTokenError
revoked_token RevokedTokenError
fresh_token_required FreshTokenRequiredError
access_denied AccessDeniedError

Change behavior of handler

First, you need to make function with this signature

async def my_handler(request: sanic.request.Request, exception: JWTExtendedException) -> sanic.response.HTTPResponse: 

Then assign function to handler you want to modify while initializing JWT

with JWT.initialize(app) as manager:
    manager.handler.no_authorization = my_handler